✔Organization of e-Learning activities for schools and Smart-working for working environments
✔ Operators training, Logistics and configuration of suitable software for any kind of Audio/Video/Documents sharing ✔ Organization of virtual classrooms for schools and virtual working groups ✔ Compliance audits for Privacy and GDPR related laws
✔Computer assistance
✔ In house, on site on request 24h/24 ✔ Temporary replacement computer Service ✔ Data transfer for on site and online backup
✔Software on demand
✔ Custom software for online services ✔ Consultancy for market researches for commercial and free software for custom needs ✔ Assistancy for installation, configuration and training even for third part software
✔“Informatics pillows”
✔ Monographic informatics courses even of 2 hours only for computer/tablet/smartphone, even over evening or weekends, for any kind of software ✔ Robotics Infomatics: piloting small desktop robots with a computer, tablet or mobile phone, for children ✔ Basic use of the computer or tablet / mobile phone: navigation, mail and other messaging, for the inexperienced ✔ Fun computing for kids: block programming with Scratch and Logo ✔ Special needs: computer accessibility and communication for the physically disabled; voice and custom virtual keyboards
COMPUTER ANGELS srls unipersonale -- Cod.Fisc./P.IVA: 10799830962 -- Legal address: via San Pietro 16, 21030 Rancio Valcuvia (Varese) - Italy